The Greener Plant is the world’s only commercially available Fulvic concentrate which has not been treated with acid or heat. Just 10ml makes 1.5 litres of solution to put on your home garden. Fulvic is a unique small-chain molecule electrolyte that assists plant metabolism to transport and regulate cell nutrients into the plants. Without Fulvic the plant kingdom would fail. The Greener Plant has demonstrated increased growth and yield for all garden plants with growth typically double that experienced in untreated plants.
My Experience of THE GREENER PLANT – by James Rabe
In short, everywhere I have mixed and applied THE GREENER PLANT, I have seen good results. The product really does clean bugs off your plants, enabling you to watch your plants grow, as claimed on the container. I plan to continue in its use and would heartily recommend THE GREENER PLANT Fulvic to all. Together we can work toward a greener planet.
But latterly Fulvic, the modern miracle for the farming community as well as the backyard gardener, comes in the form of THE GREENER PLANT Fulvic which has not been treated with acids or heat. In recent months I have applied the latter with striking results, the following perhaps the most impressive.
A presenter on the ABC Garden Show goes on record as saying growing potatoes in the sub-tropics is a dicey business. Potatoes must have moderate conditions. Too much rain and they will rot; too little and they die. My most recent attempts turned out to be in a period of constant heavy rain. Initially, the plants looked glossy and green. I encouraged them with a couple of applications of THE GREENER PLANT. But following some weeks of rainy weather the foliage died back, without, so far as I had observed, ever flowering, and it seemed I had lost them.
In digging, as I thought, to remove the debris, to my astonishment the soil, now sporting earthworms and a productive appearance, bore a modestly successful crop of even-shaped, red-fleshed potatoes similar to the Red Rascals available at the supermarket. Voila! I am a potato grower, dedicated to doing my bit to alleviate the world food shortage. To further encourage me in singing the praises of Fulvic, my gladiolus plants, Hi-dolly dahlias and sundry other flowers, all appear to be thriving.
James Rabe